Short, easy to read chapters with vivid imagery and real life examples.
Exposes the truth that tough love is the only real love there is.
Essential guide to appropriate boundaries for healthy relationships.
Provides healing fundamentals about grace, truth and time. I believe this book is the best starting point for recovery reading.
Full of everyday examples to help you identify and stop your codependence.
Amazingly articulate break down of codependence into five core symptoms.
Awesome bird's eye view of the process of transformation.
Best parenting book on the planet.
For those who have endured this type of life, this book lets you know you are not alone and it puts into words what made you feel crazy for years.
Emphasizes the importance of understanding your own personal narrative.
Basics of what to look for in safe people and why we haven't done that before.
Eye-opening and incredibly freeing for those who have been emotionally abused.
Exposes how we avoid intimacy with something as simple as our pronouns.
Applies real life examples and powerful excerpts from the life of David on how to wait well.
Calls out codependence for what it really is...idolatry and fear of man.
Major eye-opener: Abusers and controllers don't leave. You have to leave them.
Pouring on the love from day one of a baby's life can have a powerful generational impact for good.
Demystifies the reality of your relationship choices.